Grants since the program's inception in 1987 have been used to:
Help diversify the Great Plains Synfuels Plant;
Improve methods for more efficient and cost-effective reclamation;
Find cleaner ways to burn lignite in existing boilers;
Identify new market opportunities; and
Meet new challenges from proposed environmental regulations
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2024 Lignite Research Program Grant Application Deadline
Categories: Industrial Commission, Lignite Research Program, LRP-DL
Lignite Research Program - October 1, 2024
The legislative assembly finds and declares that North Dakota's lignite industry produces approximately thirty million tons of lignite annually, contributing to our state's and nation's energy independence by generating electricity for more than two million people in the northern great plains region and by producing synthetic natural gas from coal that heats three hundred thousand homes and businesses in eastern states, which is equivalent to over twenty thousand barrels of oil per day.
Article 43-03 Contracts for Land Reclamation Research and Research, Development, and Marketing of Lignite Products Derived from Lignite
Since 1987 the North Dakota industrial commission has been authorized to make funds available to provide financial assistance for contracts for land reclamation research projects and for research, development, and marketing of lignite and products derived from lignite. The lignite research council, established by executive order 1987-4, and as presently constituted by executive order 1991-1, will review and make recommendations to the commission on all applications for financial assistance under this program. The industrial commission concurred in the appointments to the lignite research council
Executive Order 2013-05
Since 1987 the North Dakota industrial commission has been authorized to make funds available to provide financial assistance for contracts for land reclamation research projects and for research, development, and marketing of lignite and products derived from lignite. The lignite research council, established by executive order 1987-4, and as presently constituted by executive order 1991-1, will review and make recommendations to the commission on all applications for financial assistance under this program. The industrial commission concurred in the appointments to the lignite research council.